Stephen Preston is one of the leading musicians in the development of early
music performance in the UK and Europe, and one of its most respected figures.
Through his ground-breaking work with historical flutes and solo, ensemble,
and orchestral performances and recordings, he has established a worldwide reputation
and an international career.
As well as historical performance practice Stephen’s interests include new and experimental music, and electroacoustic improvisation. He has explored new expressive idioms and techniques for the traverso in a variety of ensembles involving different groupings of historical, modern, ethnic and electronic instruments. In this same spirit, he developed techniques for improvisation and performance using techniques inspired by birdsong … and gossip. Most recently Stephen has been exploring the intricate, highly contrasted dynamics detailed by Quantz in his Versuch (“On Playing the Flute”), and how these dynamics might relate to the intricate, expressive phrasing notated in widely differing sources, notably Blavet’s three Recueils, and the songs of Domenico Corri.
Stephen Preston's teaching philosophy extends beyond the boundaries of stylistic performance and he is equally successful whether working with period performers or with modern instrumentalists and singers. He focuses on performance practice as a way of realizing the highest degree of musical potential in the performer. His work as a choreographer of historical dance gives him a unique insight into the dance music of the Baroque and Classical periods. He has many years of experience working with the widest range of students and professional instrumentalists and singers. His all-time favorite project has been to work with one of America's most eminent chamber ensembles, the New Century Saxophone Quartet, on their highly-praised recording of Bach's Art of Fugue.
In 2006 the National Flute Association honored Dr Preston with a Lifetime Achievement Award. References to Preston can be found in the New Grove Dictionary of Music, J. Solum's The Early Flute, and A. Powell's The Flute. Dr Preston has taught at all the major English music colleges including the Royal College of Music, Guildhall School of Music & Drama and Trinity-Laban College, London and the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. He is widely in demand for master classes and for private teaching and coaching. In 2017 Stephen moved to Ayrshire, Scotland.
In addition to teaching morning and evening masterclasses, Preston will offer a special class in historical dancing in which everyone is invited to participate.
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